
Archive for June, 2024

I wanted a simple rustic bird bath to go by the Koru so decided to have a go at making one using a 25kg bag of ready mix.

We had a small sand pile so I made a big oval hollow in that. A sprinkle from the hose and a pat down to compact the sand made the bowl ready for the wet mix.

Next I followed the instructions on the concrete bag and used a shovel to mix it in the wheelbarrow until it was wet but holding a shape.

With gloves on the mix got plastered onto the sand walls of the oval, shaping the rounded edges as well as possible and smoothing it down until I was satisfied.

A very big bowl got pressed into the middle to help hold a hollow for the water and then it got left alone for two days. It then got gently lifted into the wheelbarrow and covered with water for another two days to cure.

Finally it had a wire brushing to expose some of the aggregate and was placed on a sturdy pot in its new home.

Just waiting for some birdies now…

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